Book Review : Amazing Amber and her Lazy Laser Eye
13th Apr 2019
Books are a HUGE part of our life in the Kids Eye Gear household. My daughter is a passionate reader (and writer) and Dane also loves to read. I personally believe reading is extremely important for children so it's something that we've always done.
When Dane was little I can't remember there being many books specifically about kids wearing patches or glasses - so it's awesome to see so many options available now. One such book is Amazing Amber and her Lazy Laser Eye. I'm particularly fond of this one because it was written by a group of Australians - a teenage student, an orthoptist and an ophthalmologist.
Amazing Amber is a superhero who finds her laser eye powers depleted in one eye. So she needs to patch her strong eye to make her weak eye stronger - so she can defend her friends against a villain (don't worry, he's pretty tame). I have a soft spot for Dr Teddy (who wouldn't want a cool teddy as their eye doctor?!) who does a great job in helping Amber fix her lazy eye.
Whilst the authors could have easily had the villain tease Amazing Amber about having to wear a patch they didn't - the whole story put a positive spin on patching which was just brilliant. In fact, Amazing Amber's patching therapy was portrayed as just a normal activity to provide a positive outcome - which patching generally is!
The book is wonderfully illustrated with lovely bright colours. I had my kids read it and they felt that it explained in simple terms what patching was for and that it was a positive story about patching. They felt it would be best suited to kids aged 2-6 - and I agree. It is a fairly quick read if you're reading aloud to your kiddos and the words and font size are perfect for beginner readers to have a go themselves.
The Kids Eye Gear kids are a bit too old for this book now but it would have been great when they were little.
To find out more about the book, the authors or to purchase your own copy, head here.
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