REAL STORY : Dominic & Sarah

REAL STORY : Dominic & Sarah

8th Sep 2021

We didn't discover there was an issue with my son Dominic's eyesight until it was flagged during a health check when he was in kindy. 

My husband and I hadn’t ever noticed anything wrong with his sight but I was shocked to discover when we went to the optometrist that the vision in his left eye was very poor. As I sat with him on my lap I was blown away at his inability to see very large, simple shapes on the screen. Dom got glasses and quickly adapted to wearing them. We had his eyes checked 6 months later and there was a small amount of improvement, however 6 months after that there had been little progress and the optometrist suggested patching. Dom’s eyesight is only just good enough to be able to drive (obviously when he’s older!) and his depth perception isn’t as developed as it should be.

Fabric Patch Fix

The optometrist told me to look online for a patch and I found Kids Eye Gear when I was searching for shops. Dominic was so excited to be able to choose the patches he could wear each day - we ended up choosing some disposable ones and one that fits onto his glasses. Initially he worried about people staring at him when he wore his patches until a lovely lady in the fruit and veg shop approached us and told him how cool he looked with his pirate patch - after that he put it on himself every day!

I was worried how he would go returning to school so he sent his teacher the photo of himself with the patch and when his teacher told him he looked like a super hero he was more than happy to wear it to school. I thought it would be a challenge to get him to wear it for the recommended two hours and he now wears it the entire school day! Thank you for providing an affordable product and having such a great range - we will definitely be buying more as the months go by and will recommend to others!